
Westside Reformed Church is a community of Christian believers that has been assembled by God to both worship Him and bear witness to His gospel.  We’re a young church, but with the benefit of hindsight we can see how God has been drawing us together for quite some time. He did this by separately leading several of our families to a knowledge of Reformed theology, which made them long for a church that would embrace Reformed confessions and worship. At the same time, our founding pastor, Zac Wyse, was growing increasingly interested in the idea of starting a Reformed church in southwest Ohio.

In Fall 2012, they got together to meet and discuss this venture.  Meanwhile, like-minded churches in the city encouraged us to start a new church in the Westside and even provided assistance.  In January 2013, it became apparent that God’s hand was blessing this work when they met others who were excited to see a Reformed church in the Westside.  This prompted Zeltenreich Reformed Church to offer its oversight and support.

Only a few months later, in July 2013, WRC began worshiping as a small group in an area chapel. We have continued to grow numerically, in Christian maturity, and in understanding what it means to be a Reformed church, since few of us come from this background.

These early years have been eventful and encouraging. We have worked through a number of books of the Bible, such as Mark, 1 John, Ephesians, Revelation, and Genesis. During our second service, which is comparable to a Sunday School class (we call it a “Catechism Service”), we spend time considering the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, the core truths of the Bible. We continue to use a liturgy that follows an ancient pattern of worship and sing some wonderful Psalms and Hymns (old and new). In January 2019, we “organized,” which is the transition from being a mission work, or church plant, to being a self-governing church, with our own body of elders and deacons.

We have opportunities for fellowship and study during the week, though we purposefully keep mid-week events to a minimum. We hold monthly fellowship groups in both the Westside and Northern Kentucky, where we share a meal, converse, and have a time of prayer and devotions. We also have a catechesis memorization class for younger children, which is during the Catechism Service. These are wonderful contexts for us to grow in our understanding of the Bible and to encourage one another in the Christian life.

Please, consider becoming a part of our unfolding story.  You can do this by praying for us, supporting us financially, or visiting us.

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